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Value abstract labor commodity money. Complement and fundamental modification of Marx’s explanation of value and abstract equal human labor as a historically social form of concrete useful works – especially in the first subsection of the first chapter in Capital Volume I.

As PDF: Value socially form-determined abstract labor- labour- commodity. Rewritten in a scientifically rational way. 

Complement and fundamental modification of Marx’s explanation of value and abstract equal human labor as a historically social form of concrete useful works – especially in the first subsection of the first chapter in Capital Volume I.
Marx does not adhere to the presupposition for the explanation of the value and the socially form-determined abstract human labor, which he initially gives in a scientifically correct manner in the first subsection of the first chapter of Capital Vol. I. Therefore Marx’s continuation of the explanation of value, socially form-determined abstract human labor and the commodity is incomplete, erroneous and has an irrational character. The part of his explanation for which this reproach applies is replaced, i.e. rewritten, in a scientifically rational way in this treatise.

With the practical implementation of the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete given in this treatise, the precondition is shaped for the explanation of the circuit of capital, of the simple circulation of commodities, of money, of commodity, of value and of socially form-determined abstract human labor. By practising the method of descending from the concrete to the abstract and of ascending from the abstract to the concrete it is firstly avoided to get entangled in a circular reasoning (circulus vitiosus) secondly it gives the only posibility to find the beginning of the scientific presentation. By this method is given the prove of necessarily beginning the explanation of the economic-social forms with the simple and abstract social exchange relations of commodities from the aspect under which these are initially only use values.
